Sunday 28 October 2012

Tony Amendola

- 'Edouard Kagome' in Continuum
- 'Marco / Gepetto' in Once Upon A Time
- 'Atalo Diakos' in Dollhouse
- 'Roman Markovius' in Numb3rs
- 'Enrique Salceda' in Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
- 'Santos Jimenez' in Dexter
- 'Master Bra'Tac' in Stargate SG-1
- 'Father Quintero' in The Legend of Zorro
- 'Tambor Barcelo' in Alias
- 'Dark Priest' in Charmed
-'Don Luiz' in The Mask of Zorro

Look how chuffed Isaac is - his face! Tony Amendola was pleased to see us from the minute we walked up to him in our Stargate SG-1 uniforms, and after chatting to my overexcited boy for a bit came out from behind his table for photographs and even asked his assistant to take the photo of the three of us so that I could be in one too. He admired our costumes and was just really nice and friendly. He was a joy to meet and Isaac was happy for weeks afterwards, thinking about it!

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